As Modoya, it is aimed to manage and continuously improve our information assets in a way that protects the confidentiality, security and integrity of our information assets in the studies to be carried out regarding the acquisition, creation, processing, transfer, retention and archiving of information while performing our company activities.
Our employees (users) are obliged to comply with this policy, process and instructions and undertake to comply with the defined rules.
We prepare business continuity and emergency plans and test these plans, manage information security vulnerabilities and violations, and ensure that they are not repeated so that our activities and our responsibilities to our customers are not interrupted in the face of any negativity.
We protect the private information of our employees, company and customers. We provide the necessary infrastructure to keep confidential and trade secret information, personal information of our employees and all information of customers confidential against third parties.
With the awareness that the most important element in ensuring information security is human, we organize trainings that will increase the awareness of our employees and all other critical stakeholders on information security and monitor their effectiveness.
To ensure that the Information Security system is adopted by each unit, taking into account the corporate identity and reputation of our company.
Document number: POL-005-00
Last revision date: 22.09.2021